3 Types of Exercises to Prevent Fatty Liver

October 21, 2024News

Liver is one of the most vital organs in the human body. It removes toxins and breaks down fat to be more digestible. Sometimes too much fat can accumulate on the liver which is what causes a condition known as Fatty Liver. If left untreated, it can cause serious health problems such as cirrhosis and steatosis that can be fatal. Reversing and prevention of fatty liver is possible through careful look into one’s dietary consumption, dietician’s supervision along with regular exercises such as these 3 exercises that we are going to discuss in this article.


Yoga is a great exercise for preventing fatty liver. It has many posture that is perfect for stimulating the liver and boosting its function. One posture called Kapal Bhati pranayama is a type of breathing exercise that is perfect, not only for the liver, but also for the entire body, as it improves blood flow and blood circulation.

Cardio Exercise

Physical activities like cardio and strength training are great exercises to increase basal metabolism – the rate that which the body uses energy while resting to maintain its vital functions. Exercises like weightlifting and running are perfect for this scenario. Do this for at least 30 minutes or more for 3 days a week and it will surely improve the fatty liver disease.

Daily Walk

A 45mins walk either in the morning or evening can help a lot with keeping many lifestyle diseases at bay. From diabetes to fatty liver, going a daily walk is the easiest, yet effective way to stay safe from unwanted and potentially deadly ailments.

Source: https://www.hindustantimes.com/lifestyle/health/fatty-liver-3-easy-exercises-6-lifestyle-changes-to-reverse-liver-disease-101677661133944.html