Can you feel younger than your age?

A positive attitude about aging can help your mind and body feel younger and healthier. "People with more positive attitudes about growing old tend to live longer and healthier lives than those with negative thoughts about aging," says Dr. David Sinclair, professor of genetics at Harvard Medical School.

The study also found that people more satisfied with the aging process had a lower risk for diabetes, stroke, cancer, and heart disease. They also had better cognitive functioning and were less lonely and depressed. People who embraced this positive mindset also were more physically active and slept better. "If you feel younger, you are more likely to act younger," says Dr. Sinclair. "Maintaining a healthy and positive mindset as you age is one of the best things you can do for a longer life.

" What can you do to feel younger in your mind, body, and spirit? Here are some suggestions from Dr. Sinclair:

Reduce anxiety. Anxiety becomes more common with age, so adopt practices to help manage it. "Daily meditation, reading stoicism (philosophy that teaches how to maximize positive emotions and reduce negative ones), and simply spending some quiet time each day expressing gratitude are good places to begin.

Have a sense of purpose.
 A strong sense of purpose means continuing to pursue goals and to feel life is worthwhile. Explore interests centered on self-development, growth, and connecting with others.

Stay connected.
 Socializing keeps our minds active and engaged. Studies also show that personal connections help curb feelings of low self-esteem that dampen a positive mindset.

Challenge yourself.
 Find a physical challenge that you can realistically complete, create a plan of execution, and then work to meet that goal. Regular exercise builds confidence in your ability to be active, and setting a challenge helps you experience a feeling of accomplishment. Both can make you feel more youthful.
